Highlights, bullet-point-style:
- Staying in the fancy hotel...and having our son faceplant off of the windowsill (on the INSIDE, everyone...he did not fall off the 5th floor!). We were subjected to our very first bloody nose. Oiy.
- Seeing Matty and Sarah for the first time in over 2 years...what a blessing!!!
- Watching CJ and Joshua wrestle, play "ka-chow!" and read together...
- Having Caleb ask Uncle Matty if he's ready to "throw up again" *laughing*
- Going to the OKC Zoo and having our son get mauled by a lion...with an inch of glass in between them. Wish you'd have been there. Almost peed my pants!!! So did he...!
- Swimming at the coolest Y ever.
- Eating at Sonic every day. YES!!!!!!!
- Praying with my husband while laying in his arms...*sigh*
- PF Changs. Yum! (thanks, Sarah and Matty's home group!!!)
- Having s'mores on the back porch.
- Sitting with Joshua on the couch, watching a Cavs game.
- Getting lost. A lot. Sprint's navigation lady SUCKS.
- Kissing. *blush*
- Pulling into a parking lot and having our son exclaim with great joy, "We're at a SUPERTarget!!" And he knew that how...??
- Changing Matty and Sarah's locks...and having them ring the door bell to get inside because they were locked out!! :-)
- Making fried chicken for everyone.
- Meeting the OKC versions of "us" *wink* (Rickie and Tim, Laurie and Brent...you guys are awesome!!!)
- Making Caleb-sandwiches.
I could go on and on....but I'm sure for most of you reading....that list might be kind of lame. But let me tell you....God has taught us SO MUCH about being intentional in our relationship with each other and others. Its such a blessing for us right now, because we absolutely savor every moment--no matter how mundane or ordinary. We know that we are in a situation where we need to make the most of every moment and make the time count...because our time together was short. What's so good about that though is this...we are learning to walk in the spirit of John 10:10 to the very fullest. We know without a doubt that our Savior came for us...a relationship with us...which He wants to reflect in everything and anything we do. And when we can walk in that knowledge...and the knowledge that every moment should be lived to its absolute fullest, we begin to live intentionally.
Every moment matters...
Every "I love you" is precious...
Everything ordinary is extraordinary...
And though we know that our situation is unique...let us challenge you to live in this same spirit. Live as though every moment might be your last. Live as though each decision and word you speak matters for eternity. Live intentionally in each of your relationships and I guarantee you that the Lord will work in amazing ways.
Wishing you lots of "ordinary" moments with one another...
~meg, josh, and caleb
I am so glad that your trip out here worked out, and that you guys were able to spend the weekend together! We had the BEST time with you guys. We love you!!!